Charlie breaks it down with KING5's Paul Silvi on the Pete Carroll Show
We've seen many a player join Paul Silvi after the game for the Mike Holgren or Pete Carroll Show rocking a standout look. I've seen everything from full suit and tie ensembles to fur vests and diamond studs.
I don't think it's too early to say that Charlie won this season's award for most GQ-worthy with the navy blazer and pocket square with jeans look he donned after finishing last Sunday's game with a Victory. And to think that he brought this suave, debonair outfit all the way across the country not even knowing if he'd play? Well played, Mr. Whitehurst, well played. Impressive.
I haven't been able to say anything about losing Jordan Babineaux to the Titans. Frankly, it's been a little depressing, and while the Seahawks seem to be absorbing the Vikings, the Titans are absorbing Seahawks.
Watching last week's first pre-season game with some knock-on-wood-promising-looking plays from Brandon Browner helped ease the pain. Watching Babs make his signature Big Play in his own first preseason game in a Titans uniform strangely eased the pain a bit more.
Obviously, #12 wishes Babs all the luck in the world. If history is any indicator, we'll probably see him and Hass in a Super Bowl in the not to distant future.
I leave you with the memory of this article by Fieldgulls, with the best title ever:"My Name is Big Play Babs, I Only Do Everything" - written way back in July, those halcyon days when we prayed for the CBA and a training camp schedule. Join me in taking a moment to remember what we used to be.
And now, let's get ready to kick some pre-season Viking arse on Saturday. I'll see you there!!
Just printed out the latest Seahawks Roster via Hawkblogger. At 8 pages, it's a bit of a novel, but so funny and way better than the roster at {sorry,, you know it's true}. Listed by number and with witty #12-only notes, this is a necessity for training camp in a year with so many new faces. Thanks, @Hawkblogger :)
I'd also like to point out that Mr. 12 the Hard Way is flaking out, which means mini-12 and I will be joined by my nephew and Seahawk-fan-from-N.Carolina...let's call him Curly12. As mini-12 says, "yay! now we get TWO chances to spin for the signings!"
Yesterday was a tough one. My twitter was a'spinnin' as news came in that Matt Hasselbeck wouldn't be talking with the Seahawks, and then the quick concussions as news of signings and potential signings kept dropping in one of the most active Free Agency days in recent memory.
More on that later.
For now, a few lessons learned yesterday...or reiterated, as the case may be.
1. Matthew Hasselbeck is a stand up guy
2. The Holmgren Era is officially at an end in Seattle
3. Character counts, but maybe not as much as it once did at Seahawks HQ
4. #12 sticks together through thick and thin - a force to be reckoned with
5. Hass will likely go on to the Super Bowl in the not too distant many recently-ex-Seahawks likely do
I'm not quite ready to make changes on my twitlists of incoming and outgoing team players. For now, I'll just let @Hasselbeck's Twitter poignant new profile pic say it all. Thanks Hass, Beck, Matthew, Matt, #8. You deserve the last word and the best of luck.
I cannot tell you how many times Bill Murray's "It Just Doesn't Matter" speech from Meatballs runs through my head on any given day...not to mention how many times I reenact it whenever firewood is near. It is probably the mantra for my entire life.
Especially as a Seahawks fan.
Well, it was just what I needed to hear/see/watch after the miserable ESPYs 2 nights ago - an evening where ESPN fans told Seattle in every way possible that WE just don't matter to them. Guess what, ESPN fans? It just doesn't matter to US. So, #12, rise up and behold, the greatest mantra of all time:
I'm not going to say that the ESPY losses for Best Play {Beastquake} and Best Upset {Saints Playoff Kill} and Leon's Comeback didn't hurt in a year where most every single other 'mixed' sport award went to an NFL nominees. Nevermind that even Seattle's Lauren Jackson didn't win best WNBA player. I guess a championship season with no losses at home, scoring an average 20.5 points per game, and being voted Player of the month for 3 months in a row doesn't count for much when you represent Seattle. Or maybe I don't know much about women's basketball.
Best play went to women's soccer. Whatever. National slights like these sting and remind us that it's hard out there for a #12. But we know that. And It Just Doesn't Matter.
The ESPY Nominations are out and the Seahawks have some well-deserved recognition. Now it's up to us to secure the victory. {sound familiar?}
VOTE HERE for the Seahawks' Beastquaking playoff win over the reigning world champ Saints as BEST UPSET. AND! Our boy Leon Washington is up for NFL's STRONGEST PERFORMANCE. Which, if you recall all the times network commentators marveled at Leon Washington last season, has to be a sure thing. So VOTE!
Oh yah, a few things to know before voting:
1. It will take you at least 10-15 minutes.
2. You will have to vote in every category, even "Best Bowler" where criteria like "pick the least creepy-looking" will not help you out.
3. Local boy Tim Lincecum and the Storm's Lauren Jackson provide more local flavor.
4. I voted for Jon "Bones" Jones for Best Fighter purely because he was the only one with a fighter sounding name and for Aaron Rodgers for Best NFL Player solely to vote against the others. Feel free to share your personal voting criteria in comments, below.
This is the scene direct from Qwest Field last night:
The Qwest Field signs are coming down as we speak.
In case you've been under a rock for the past several months, Qwest has been purchased by CenturyLink and it was {finally} announced that Qwest Field will officially become known as CenturyLink Field. I say "officially" because the #12 population is making great strides toward a mass agreement to call it "Seahawks Stadium" - which is what I will call Qwest Field when I'm not calling it "Qwest".
Corporations come and go and especially in this era of M&As and corporate bankruptcies, we really can't rely on identifying our stadium with any one corporation for too long. It's becoming an absurd idea, really, evident by such costly embarrassments as "Enron Field" in Houston and PacBell-thenSBC-thenAT&T Park in San Francisco.
Then there are the stupid-sounding-names-that-don't-work: Coliseum, Mall of America Field at the Hubert H. Humphrey Metrodome, and Invesco Field at Mile High. Yep, football fans still call those "the Coliseum," "the Metrodome" and "Mile High" {with optional grimace for #12s}
So I say, let's stick with Seahawks Stadium. That's how she was born, and how she'll remain.
...And NO, I don't want to hear about anyone who thinks "Seahawks Stadium" is unfair to the Sounders. Just look up at the 300 seats during a Sounders match. That's why it's Seahawks Stadium.
Have been meaning to post this for quite a few weeks. VMAC is 10 minutes away from me, so I had to run down and snap a pic when the Seahawks' new NFC West Champs sign became official.
I'm not a regular watcher of Ellen, so it was WAY random today when I had it on in the background and noticed this familiar guy from the audience playing one of Ellen's games, "Cut the Cord". When he said he was "Michael from Seattle" and was a football coach with a shout out to Redmond HS and I was all..."wha? Michael Bumpus is that you on Ellen?" because Redmond boasts a couple of notable coaches {Manu Tuiasosopo ring a bell?}
Totally random. And totally confirmed via Twitter {yah, @MikeBumpus is on my "Seahawks at Heart" twitter list }
And to top it off, Michael won the game with his trivia skillz and wit. Way to represent #12!
Official Update on Michael Bumpus from
I love the 1984 season and beyond the big names and plays, it's left a lasting impression on me in the form of a deep-rooted dislike of the Miami Dolphins.
1984 was the year that Apple launched the Mac during the Super Bowl with this ad:
It should've been OUR Super Bowl.
I've searched YouTube for 1984 Seahawks highlights many times and always come up blank, so I'm delighted that the Seahawks themselves posted this 20 minute Flashback Fridayesque gem from NFL Films yesterday: WATCH IT.
Seems someteam is thinking beyond a 7-9 record and into major lopsided, double-digit win totals.
I like it.
12Plus {added 5/23/11}:
Check out this awesome piece on the 1984 Seahawks by the always-spot-on @DKSB17 on Dave Kreig's Strike Beard. If you can't read, there's still an awesome picture of Kenny Easley on Easley Street. Classic.
When Brian Bosworth hit Seattle in full Boz force, I was a boy-crazed middle-schooler and because I was also a Seahawk fan, the Boz's poster went up on my wall right next to Largent's Blue Angel poster and all my Duran Duran, New Kids on the Block, and Sean Astin paraphernalia.
> I bought into the hype.
I vividly remember the time we saw Boz in his convertible in Bellevue. I was with a friend - don't even remember who - and we did the typical tweenage swoon and I couldn't even speak to try to get his attention.
> Thanks to him, I will forever call Elway, "Mr Ed".
But not too many years after that, I would blame that 'swoon' on being young and impressionable. This was a guy who hurt his shoulder so badly he couldn't play for us, yet he could do his own stunts in his movie?!
> I drew all over my Boz poster and convinced my mom to let me burn it.
If compared to his own hype, then yes, the Boz was a bust. But reading personal accounts in Seahawks books like "The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly" and watching recaps like this vid have made me appreciate Brian Bosworth more.
> I've finally come full circle...or at least 280 degrees {no Boz posters for me, thanks}.
I mean, who doesn't love what he did to Bronco fans? OK, maybe Bronco fans. But that just makes me love it more ;)
If you're a #12 in Seattle or surrounding, you'll want to come out this Saturday, March 19 to support Team Blitz. Team Blitz was created by Ryan Asdourian {aka your favorite mascot, Blitz} after he was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis. Click that link to find out more, and "like" Team Blitz so you can follow and support the Team - maybe even partake in the Walk MS on April 3.
This weekend marks the 2nd Annual Team Blitz Pub Crawl. For just $30 you'll get 4 drink tickets and a Team Blitz T-shirt. The pub crawl begins 3:00pm at Twist in Belltown. Event info and tickets are available at this page on Facebook. The 12th Man will be out en force! Invite all your friends!
TheSeahawks 12krun is in its second year, and will take place in Renton on Sunday April 10, 2011. Also scheduled is a 5k run/walk and a kids' fun run. The course for the 12k includes a run around VMAC, but those who can't hack the 12k will be left to run the "Virginia Mason 5k" which heads south to the Cedar River.
You know which route you want to run, #12. Get training now!
The Seahawks 12K Run will start and finish at The Landing, run along the Southeast shore of Lake Washington and offer participants a unique opportunity to run around the Seahawks training facility, the Virginia Mason Athletic Center. Register now be a part of this unique event and spend the day with Blitz, the Sea Gals, Blue Thunder and more!
Registration is now open and prices vary from $10 for the kids' run to 25-40 for the 5k and 12 k depending on when you register. {HINT: register by TOMORROW for lowest price!} Funds raised will benefit the Renton/Skyway Boys & Girls Club.And yes, I'll see you there.
Mr 12 the Hard Way made a wonderful N'awlins-inspired dinner, complete with Bananas Foster for dessert. Mini-12 the Hard Way made sure we all had beads to wear.
And still, the only thing I can think of this Mardi Gras is Who Dat who beat dem Saints 2 months ago to the day...My Seahawks {and yours}.
Yesterday was my birthday, so today's Flashback Friday had to be the awesomest...for no other reason than it's the first time I ever remember Seattle snow on my birthday, and because I'm super psyched for karaoke tomorrow night. That's not a real reason, but when the flashback is Marshawn Lynch's Beast Quake run, any reason will do. If you need another reason, Lynch wears my number: #24 {also my birthday, and big roulette number, and 'double the 12'}.
In case you've lived under a rock in 2011, 'Beast Quake' is the epic 67-yard run that came at a crucial point in the 2011 NFC Wild Card game against the New Orleans Saints - then defending Super Bowl champs. It showcased Marshawn Lynch in true unrelenting Beast Mode fashion and set the stadium rocking. Literally. A "seismic event" was recorded at Qwest Field precisely as Marshawn pushed Tracy Porter to the turf and stormed the end zone. Thus, Beast QUAKE.
Here's how it played out on NBC, but augmented with our own Steve Raible and Warren Moon providing commentary:
I heard this on the radio over and over in the days following the game and EVERY TIME Warren's "Wooooo!" makes me laugh because you KNOW that's the moment Tracy Porter goes flying. This never ceases to bring a smile to my face, whether I see it or just hear it. That's the stuff of history, Warren - way to add the color commentary!
I was fortunate to be in the building that night and I can attest that It. was. unlike. any. play. at. home. ever.
...and I was there the night Shaun Alexander scored 5 touchdowns in one half against Minnesota.
AND I was there when Tony Romo biffed the hold on the field goal that would've taken us out of the playoffs.
And hell, I was even there when we beat Carolina to win our very first ever NFC Championship.
These were epic moments as well - euphoric and forever-memorable. But Beast Quake was something entirely different. I've never seen the 12th man so collectively shell-shocked and jacked up at the same time. Mr 12theHardWay was all of a sudden across our aisle in the other section - I dropped my phone jumping around - and of course there were hugs all around. I think you get an idea from this YouTube gem {though this is rather quiet, if you ask me}:
{Love that "what?"}
So Beast Quake is one of those rarities that can never be overrated or overexposed: everyone talks about it, everyone loves it, and for good reason. There is no way to overstate how truly awesome it is.
Lastly, I'd be remiss to not mention this awesome breakdown of Beast Quake by Hawk Blogger. Credit where credit's due...and many Seahawks helped make this play happen.
{Image Credit: Drew Sellers/Sportspress Northwest Videos: YouTube via ryanphelps1 and bigjake206}
The 2011 NFL Combine starts tomorrow. I might bleed blue and green, but college football doesn't really do it for me, so I'll defer to some more knowledgeable folks when it comes to scouting the new rookie class.
And for the Seahawks specifics, you can't beat Rob Staton's Seahawks Draft Blog
Of course, you can watch the combine live from Indianapolis' Lucas Oil Stadium on NFL Network February 24-March 1.
Scouts and coaches will kick the tires, so to speak, as NFL hopefuls perform running, jumping, and all-around strength-show-offing via the 40-yard dash, shuttle run, vertical and broad jumps, 3-cone drill, bench press.
Have a favorite college player you're rooting for the Hawks to notice and draft this year? Who is it?
Not many NFL teams can boast prolific twitterers/tweeters at QB position. The Seahawks can. Matthew, aka @Hasselbeck, has the distinction of being an early adopter when it comes to "Twittah," though it must be said that @RaheemBrock now rivals him for most active tweeting. {kudos still go to Matt for the well branded profile page}.
After the Chicago Bears did the Super Bowl Shuffle, every team had to come out with some "rap" video. Fortunately {or unfortunately, depending on how you look at it} these live on in perpetuity on YouTube. Go ahead, just search for any team and 'rap' - you'll find a relic circa 1985.
For Flashback Friday, I present the Seahawks' contribution to the genre: "The Blue Wave is on a Roll" was written by local fave Pat Cashman and features #55 Michael Jackson, a young Mike Tice, and other Seahawk notables including Paul Moyer {WHY no mention of this in your book, Paul?!} Edwin Bailey, and Terry Taylor.
I confess that I debated for some time whether to post this or it so bad it's good? You be the judge.
I'm 100% football fan. So Spring Fever for me is marked by the NFL draft and nervous free agency weeks - not baseball. I mean, let's be honest: there hasn't much fun or excitement involved in following MLB action in Seattle for several years.
That said, I'm very excited to introduce you to the new M's site on G9 Sports, First and Edgar, and not just because my really smart and baseball-savvy cousin, Elena, is the writer ;)
Today Elena welcomes Griffey back to the team he belongs with - #24 returns to the M's as a 'special consultant' {which sounds not a little mysterious and very lucrative}. And soon she'll be talking Spring Training.
Like I said, I haven't found the Mariners to be exciting in nearly 20 years. When I think about it, I remember being a fan in the 80's - a brief time when Joe Simpson was my next door neighbor and a M's pennant hung on my wall {next to Seahawks ones, of course} and then again in college when my friend Brenda and I would hang out in the outfield yelling until Jay Buhner would turn and look at us {he loved us, he really did}. That was the heyday of the Mariners, and I, like any good Seattleite do wish them luck and a return to the post-season again soon.
Just so long as it doesn't interfere with my Seahawks Sunday at Qwest.
I love football. I love marketing. Therefore, the Super Bowl is a little bit of a big deal for me each year, regardless of who is playing. But then comes today: welcome to the day-after-the-Super-Bowl. From time to time, there's a call from the populace to make this day a national holiday. It never goes far, but it's nice to have a dream. Even though I didn't even have a drink yesterday, I still feel the annual letdown, waking up and knowing football season is officially over.
In fact, this year might be a little bit worse because of the pending CBA negotiations between the NFL and NFLPA. Chatter persists about a looming lockout, a possible 18-game season, and all that these would entail: How will a lockout affect Free Agency strategies? Will we have a 'normal' Draft? What about training camp?
Uncertainty ain't fun. So today, I'll be reliving Super Bowl XLV memories one last time, deferring the off-season unpleasantness one more day. Here, my top 5 thoughts:
1. We Won. As Seahawks fans, we didn't want to see Brothelsburger* and his cronies win. And they didn't. Enough said.
2. Maybe It's Time to Class Up the Super Bowl Acts. Just a bit. Mis-singing the lyrics to our National Anthem is one thing. Adding vibrato** to every. single. note. is another thing. Looking morose until you find the camera on you is yet another. And the Black-Eyed Peas' audio...well, I'll just give them the benefit of the doubt and chalk it up to bad audio. {but I think we all know better}.
3. Super Bowl, Sponsored by Doritos. Love the commercials, hate the commercials, but one thing's for sure: Doritos made their mark yesterday with memorable pitches each and every quarter. I loved that they WENT there and did what you need to do to get noticed. I still don't think I want to eat any Doritos, but I thought about them more in the last 24 hours than I have in all the years since 6th grade...and my ten year old wants them for the first time in her life.
4. Greg Jennings Made His Mark. I confess I probably didn't take such notice of him before now because I'm otherwise trying to beat this team, but yesterday Greg Jennings put in quite the performance and piqued my interest. From time to time, I'll find myself liking a non-Seahawk player...and Greg Jennings has made my list.
5. Green Bay Knows How to Celebrate. Officially calling it a school holiday today, Green Bay welcomed the Lombardi trophy home with festive fanfare. Well done, Pack, well done.
*Inspired by fellow G9er and Eagles Fan @sports_muse's spellcheck **I know about a lot of things, but singing isn't one of them. If vibrato isn't the actual term for what I mean, then whatever it was xtina was doing to her was annoying.
{Image Credits: Christina Aguilera and Greg Jennings TD: AP, Doritos Ad via YouTube}
My twitter feed is full of comments and complaints about the snow and ice in Dallas, the city hosting tomorrow's Super Bowl XLV. Headlines like "Texas Needs Late Rally to Save Super Bowl Week" "Super Bowl Hit by Big Freeze" and "Super Bowl: Weather Woe in Texas" try to top each other. Flights were cancelled on Friday. Snow and ice has officially fallen off the Cowboys Stadium roof, sending 2 fans to the hospital.
And the comments and criticism peak with a rally call for the NFL to only consider cities like Miami and San Diego for future Super Bowls.
Talk about snowpocalypse. You'd think the world was about to end because of snow at the Super Bowl.
I don't remember any complaints when we Seahawk fans had to go to snowy and frigid DETROIT to support our team in 2006's Super Bowl XL. DETROIT. An economically-depressed, cold, snowy city in early February. I wore winter boots and a parka on the plane, but you know what? I had an AMAZING time in downtown Detroit. No one on our plane or bus complained about going to Detroit and getting around was easy, because you could walk anywhere. Waiting in the security line was like being part of a huge, moving party as you snaked through the gates. {see my pic, above} Even St##ler fans became our besties, with hugs and high fives among complete strangers.
Is Dallas a little bit different? Absolutely. We KNEW there would be snow and cold and everyone was prepared. But SERIOUSLY. You are going to the SUPER BOWL, people in and of Dallas! The most surreal experience of my entire life was the countdown to live air at Super Bowl XL. You'll be in one of the hugest, craziest, amazing stadiums in the world. Who would rather be working on their tan? And by the way, I know y'all can get around town...I've seen the twitpics from the black carpet and gifting suites ;) So let's all relax and get over the icy snowscape. Let the fans have their Super Bowl - they'll make it fun, regardless of snowmageddon.
{Image Credits: Top/USA Today Bottom/12theHardWay's Super Bowl XL Photo Album}
...and you know the rest. Since we're all Packers fans this weekend, I'm pulling out #12's favorite gaffe of all time for our first Flashback Friday. Really; can you imagine another time when a team has lost a playoff game and the fans actually smile and laugh about what led up to it, making it an honored part of their team history? Not likely.
After winning the coin toss, Matthew infamously states, "We want the ball and we're gonna score"...and then goes on to throw an interception. The rest doesn't really matter. {no, really, it's been wiped from my mind}. We still love him for being Beck. And I will always support the ideals of "We Want the Ball and We're Gonna Score". ALWAYS. In fact, I propose that this confidence {and slip up} was instrumental in building the 2005 team that went to Super Bowl XL. How cocky would we have been if we did take that ball and score?
In any case, here's hoping for lots of scoring on the part of the Packers on Sunday. Go Pack, Go!
I don't need to tell you all the reasons #12 doesn't want the St##lers to win on Sunday. In fact, I prefer not to speak of them at all.
So most of us in the Seattle area and Seahawks community will end up rooting for the Packers this weekend. I mean, we all know we can beat them any old time we want, and they don't generally cheat, so I don't feel too 'rivalrous' toward them. Do you?
I'm not suggesting you buy a cheesehead {I myself would never wear one - but at least we know their fans are as devoted as #12!}, but here are a few things we need to know about the Pack to fully enjoy Super Bowl Sunday:
1. Founded in 1919, the Green Bay Packers are the only non-profit, community-owned major league sports franchise in America. {that is awesomeness}
2. "Cheeseheads" originally came from a run-in at a baseball game in 1987. Initially meant as an insult from CHI White Sox fans to MIL Brewers fans, "cheeseheads" have been embraced by Wisconsin residents, particularly by Packer fans.
3. It is said that the waitlist for season tickets is now actually greater than the total seat capacity at Lambeau Field and that it would take 100 years to fulfill the requests. 4. Locally, the Northwest Packer Backers is a group of GB fans that has been meeting to watch games each Sunday for over 20 years. They raised $2,000 for local charities this year, which is amazing - and they'll meet at their regular spot {The Mustard Seed in Bellevue} for the Big Game. But don't cancel your Super Bowl party just yet - President Gary Fye assures me they are at capacity for Sunday's game.
5. An old Packers tradition is that kids can bring their bikes to training camp and have their favorite player ride their bike from the locker room to the practice field. {cute}
Lastly, come Sunday, you can show your {temporary} Green Bay support at a couple of local businesses, including:
Blue Moon Burgers, offering deep fried chees curds at their Fremont location New York Cupcakes in Crossroads {Bellevue} has team cupcakes Satuday and Sunday - get in early before they sell out.
You'd think there'd be more supporters...but you know how Seattle is - we want Seahawks or nothing. ;)
{shout out to fellow G9 Sports ladies at Bitter Orange & Brown for the method of writing the name of the team-which-shall-not-be-named without actually writing it!}
Did you catch this clip of Brett Favre and my ALL-TIME favorite NFL Official, Mike Carey on last week's NFL Films Presents? My jaw just about hit the floor when I heard this exchange, and yours will too, so don't stand over anything dangerous while you watch:
Favre: "61. Me?" Heh heh. Carey is the hottest 60 year old in the NFL. Or anywhere, for that matter. Don't believe me? Take a look at a few of the previously-hottest guys born the same year as Mr. Carey, in 1949. {by once-popular opinion, not necessarily mine ;) }
He beats out Philip Michael Thomas {Tubbs}, Richard Gere, Jeff Bridges, and Rick Springfield, for sure. Sadly, Mike Carey won't be officiating this weekend at Super Bowl XLV, that honor will go to Walt Anderson. But since he's been my favorite ref for over ten years, and because I pegged him at maybe 45 {which in hindsight doesn't make sense, since he's been officiating in the NFL for 20 years!}'s time we learned a little more about what makes Mike Carey tick:
Football experience: RB at Santa Clara U Officiating experience: started in Pop Warner football in the 1970's, progressing to college level officiating and bowl games in the 80's NFL experience: officiating since 1990 Super Bowl experience: referee of Super Bowl XLII (first African-American to do so)
Family ties: brother Don Carey has been a back judge and field judge in the NFL since 1995. Off the Field: co-founded (with his wife) a company that manufactures ski, snowboarding, and cold-weather apparel and accessories Rolls like Thomas Edison: Owns or shares 8 patents, including one for "Cat Tracks" boot traction devices
Funny story. Ok, maybe not 'funny'. I've wanted to write about the Seahawks for many years. I mean, I have to be REALLY careful not to talk all-Seahawks, all season long on my Facebook status, and every Fall I watch my Twitter account convert to 90% Seahawks talk.
So when I woke up the morning following the somewhat-pathetic playoff loss to the Bears with this name in my head that wouldn't get out, I knew it was time to act.
I checked on the URL, twitter name, did a google search...all signs pointed to "GO" for 12 the Hard Way. Snagged it.
Then, I heard from my friend, Bitter KK, in Cleveland. She was writing me about something totally unrelated, but since I knew she had a {very fun} blog about the Cleveland Browns, I wanted to talk to her first. I knew she'd understand.
It just so happened that she had not only great advice, but she had just talked with one Ms. Julie DiCaro, who was in the midst of putting together a network of women sports team writers. Um, hello? Timing, timing, timing is the new location, location, location. {Unless you have an actual store, then location is everything. Trust me. #dayjob}
G9 Sports is a pretty cool idea. The conversations I've already enjoyed with other writers are priceless. The cooperation is intense. Julie is really on to something here.
So I am proud to say that 12 the Hard Way is part of the G9 Sports Network, launching today, February 1st. Head over to G9 to see who's talking MLB, NBA, NHL, MLS, and NFL.
{Image Credit: Courtney Taylor w/12 Flag-Dan DeLong/Seattle P-I 12tHW Logo-Yours Truly G9 Logo - G9 Sports}
For the third year in a row, Cortez Kennedy is on the shortlist for 'enshrinement' in the Pro Football Hall Of Fame. And you know what they say about the third time...
As DT for 11 years with the Seahawks, Cortez Kennedy spanned the messy era between Chuck Knox and Mike Holmgren with grace and true blue pride. Not to mention a crapload of bad-ass tackles and sacks.
I always thought #96 was perfect for 'Tez - because at 6'3" and hovering around 300lbs, if he got a mitt on you, you might not know which way was up by the time he was through with you - either way you look at it, it's still 96. Spending his entire career with the Hawks endeared him to #12, who sent him to the Pro Bowl 8 times. Selected as NFL Defensive Player of the Year in 1992, {yes, that 1992, we went 2-14} there's no doubt that 'Tez deserves a big ol' bust and that fancy Century 21 agent Pro Football HOFer jacket.
Our boy Bobby Engram, who was a favorite receiver of Matt Hasselbeck, sporting #84 from 2001-2008, retired in 2009. Today it was announced that he's joined the offensive coaching staff...of the 49ers. Crap.
He'll be helping out with the West Coast Offense. Something he knows a little bit about, being part of Holmgren's heroes in 2005.
Which brings me to my conclusion - in my green and blue heart, the entire 2005 Seahawk team, remain true blue Seahawks forever, regardless of where they end up. {except for one josh brown. sorry josh. well, not really.}
And just in case you're hoping it's not true, here's the story on, Mike Sando's blog, and wow - someone even updated Bobby's Wikipedia listing already...well done.
In addition to our NFC West rivals {those guys we love to hate}, the Seahawks will host the following teams at Qwest Field this upcoming season - dates TBA:
Philadelphia Eagles {welcome home, DTapp!}
Washington Redskins
Baltimore Ravens {ugh, welcome back, Housh.}
Cincinnati Bengals
Atlanta Falcons
And the team will travel not near, but far, to Dallas, the {new} Meadowlands, Pittsburgh, Cleveland, and Chicago. Want to join #12 at Qwest? It's unbelievable, but is still taking Season Ticket orders.
The Seahawks were shut out of this year's Pro Bowl. That really doesn't bother me, because the Pro Bowl is usually the lamest game of the year. {Does anyone really watch this game?}
What IS bothersome is that 30 of the NFL's 32 teams have one or more player going to the game. The Seahawks and the Bucs found no love from the fans in 2010. This would make sense since the votes are in well before the playoffs, and mostly reflect the prior year's performance - not our best, under the befuddled leadership of one JiMora. Still, even Detroit has 2 players on the roster. And they went 2-14 in 2009. Huh.
Even though we won't be represented on the field, we WILL have Sea-Gal Nicole representing the team. Aloha, Nicole! Have fun in Hawaii and show 'em that #12 spirit!
{Image Credit: - read their hilarious account of what it's really like to to go to the Pro probably won't be surprised.}
Inaugural Day in so many ways. This site is something I've been thinking about for years, and the 2010 Seahawks and their playoff run finally inspired me to get it going.
Why 12 the Hard Way? Because there's only one way to be a true #12, and it ain't always bed of roses, folks. There is no other team in football that has such a devoted fan base - fans that come to games to WORK...and are proud of their team even in defeat. (well, most of the time.)
As a lifelong #12, I've gotta take the plunge and add my voice to the mix. There are a lot of awesome Seahawk sites and blogs already. But there's always room for more #12 voices, right?