After introducing
new uniforms AND new logo (if only a change to one significant color) last week, public opinion has ebbed and flowed. I gave myself a week to comment, lest I rush to judgment too quickly.
My opinion:
NO thank you on the new logo. More importantly, WHERE is the backlash from #12?
Here's what you need to know about me before I get into the Why-I-Hate-It.
1. Lifelong Seahawks fan. Seriously. The team is a year older than me.
2. I created this blog for the fan viewpoint, which I monitor via Facebook, Twitter, and personal convos/emails/etc.
3. For "real work" I am a branding consultant and have worked with logos and marketing for over 15 years.
4. I like change. I really do.
Sometimes too much change is overwhelming; sometimes a new "improvement" is just so "so-so" that it doesn't move people to embrace it OR revolt against it. They just go along without feeling.
And this, #12s is what I imagine may be happening with our new Seattle Seahawks team logo.
The significant change to our 2002 logo is in the coloring. Our dark navy blue seems to be ever-so-slightly brightened and lightened, while the officially-named "Seahawks Blue" on the lower stripe has washed away to the Nike-termed "Wolf Grey", a silver-grey that matches the daily cloudcast we Seattleites are so familiar with.
First off, let me tell you that I painted my walls a similar shade of grey 5 years ago and lived to regret it. When you live in grey Seattle, the last thing you want to look at is grey. Hey,
I get it. Grey will be a hot color in the decade to come. The Nike-designed wolf grey uniform
is pretty hot. But that doesn't make it a strong logo color. To do away with a color that is NAMED for the team is a pretty major decision, not to be taken lightly. Not to mention my "Seahawks Blue" car, nail polish, shoes, etc have been rendered non-Seahawk colors.
When the logo first
leaked, I thought it was a red herring - seriously. I thought there was
no way we would have a washed out logo like that, as it was presented on a white cap with a barely visible lower stripe. For the past week the
Seahawk's official Facebook page has used the logo on a navy field where the top of the logo blends into the background and
I officially hate it more each time I see it. It isn't growing on me. It won't grow on me. It is weak and "unfinished" to quote another #12.
Don't see it? Bring up the new logo and then back away from your monitor/screen and look at the colors.
Now imagine you are in the stands at a game. Which color combo is stronger - with Seahawks Blue or with Wolf Grey? You know it's the blue.
But as talk about the new logo lulls, I have lost hope for a Gap-style logo recall. After their
epic fail at a logo redesign caused a stir in 2010, Gap quickly switched back.
Not going to happen here. So I'll leave you on an up note. Here is a really cool
look at the influences that went into the original Seattle Seahawks logo back in 1975. That's all I can give you for now.